Supporting Indigenous Australians Policy

At Sort It Water, we recognise and acknowledge the rich cultural heritage and contributions of Indigenous Australians, who have been the custodians of this land for thousands of years. We are committed to fostering a respectful and inclusive environment that actively supports and empowers Indigenous communities across Australia.

Our commitment to supporting Indigenous Australians is rooted in the following principles:

1. Acknowledgment of Traditional Custodians: We pay our respects to the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we operate and acknowledge their ongoing connection to country. We recognise the significance of Indigenous knowledge, wisdom, and practices in water management and environmental stewardship.

2. Cultural Respect and Understanding: We strive to develop a deep understanding and appreciation of Indigenous cultures, histories, and traditions. By valuing and respecting these cultural differences, we seek to build meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities.

3. Collaborative Partnerships: We actively seek to engage and collaborate with Indigenous communities in all aspects of our operations. Through consultation and partnerships, we aim to co-create solutions that align with Indigenous values and aspirations.

4. Employment and Economic Opportunities: We are committed to providing equitable employment opportunities to Indigenous Australians within our organisation. This includes actively promoting diversity and inclusion in our workforce and supporting training and skill development initiatives.

5. Supporting Indigenous Businesses: We prioritise procurement from Indigenous-owned and operated businesses, where feasible and appropriate, to contribute to the growth and prosperity of Indigenous enterprises.

6. Environmental Stewardship: We understand the intrinsic connection that Indigenous Australians have with the land and waterways. Our environmental initiatives will incorporate Indigenous knowledge and practices, promoting sustainable and culturally sensitive water management strategies.

7. Community Investment: We are dedicated to giving back to the Indigenous communities in which we operate. Through community investment programs, we support education, health, cultural preservation, and other initiatives that align with community needs.

8. Reconciliation and Learning: We actively support reconciliation efforts, aiming to foster an environment of mutual understanding and respect between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. We are committed to ongoing education and learning about Indigenous histories and contemporary issues.

This statement reflects our ongoing commitment to supporting and empowering Indigenous Australians. We recognise that this commitment requires continuous effort, learning, and collaboration, and we are dedicated to being accountable for our actions and fostering positive change within our organisation and beyond. Together, we can build a more inclusive and sustainable future for all Australians.